
Friday, July 3, 2009

Flashback Friday

Remember a few weeks ago when Teri thought I wasn't being fair with Flashback Friday? I scanned this then but wanted to save it for today while we're in Llano with all the family so they can all give her hell about it in person. I'm sure she will post a comment with all the gory details.

Happy 4th of July Teri!


Anonymous said...

this is something i was forced to do by my mother back when everybody was getting glamor shots done. i did my best to be a good sport. throughout the years, i have been hiding these in random books on our shelves in hopes they don't resurface. i guess i should have thrown them away because now they have been scanned and they will haunt me for the rest of my life.


Wendy P said...

Why do I have the feeling that the shot we can't see is very similar to that video of you getting your hair done when y'all had your family photo shoot after Vin was born?

MamaNamaste said...

This is the best Glamour Shots picture I have ever seen! Teri actually looks great! Every other GS pic I have seen the person looks outrageously ridiculous! And I'm like- who pays to look like that? Is that for real? But this is quite nice. However, upon further examination, Teri, are you wearing a pleather bra top?

Tara said...
