
Monday, April 20, 2009

Have You Seen Me?

This is carnival season and I'm on the lookout for the ZIPPER. It's been damn near two years since I've ridden one and I'm long overdue! They are often spotted in mall or grocery store parking lots so I'm putting out a all points bulletin for it. Please let me know if you find one.

For the uninitiated the ZIPPER is a crazy wonderful amusement park ride. You can watch a 20 second YouTube clip if you want a second hand experience


Tara said...

I hate this ride! I love most all rides, and especially rollercosters. But not this one!

Wendy P said...

You are out of your freakin' mind.

Anonymous said...

we normally have to buy a ticket for some little kid to ride with her because I refuse. did it once and i say NO. teri