
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our little talking farmer

Vin is at Mayme and Grumps for the week while I work on the house. He couldn't be in better hands and they have all kinds of activities lined up... people to visit, toys to play with, and tractors to ride on. I'm so happy that he'll grow up being close to them. Sometimes it kills me that Vin will be a city kid so I'm going to do my best to expose him to rodeos, cowboys, dirt roads, prairie dogs, tractors, 4 wheelers, barns, horses, steak dinners, and country views of the stars, sun rises and sunsets.

So far he's having a great time and he said "Bye" to his great grandma today as he was leaving. Can you believe Teri and I missed his first word.

Vin on a John Deere tractor wearing his John Deere hat.


Wendy P said...

Well he looks right at home, now doesn't he? And I still say his first word was, "kiss". Miss y'all - call me when you get a chance!

Tara said...

He is super-super adorable on the tractor in that hat! Perfect!