
Saturday, August 7, 2010

God bless Teri & Wendy Perdue

I’ve had an absolutely perfect Saturday and wanted to share.
First, it’s super fun having Leslie live in Dallas. Leslie, like Deana, is one of my oldest friends. She’s just about 5 minutes down the street which means that “popping in” to say say hello is easy. What a treat to have gotten to spend time with both of them this summer.

This morning Leslie and I went garage saling and gathering coupons. Then we did some more shopping and had lunch and a beer at The Porch.
When we got home, Leslie watched Vin while Teri and I ran to Home Depot.
Then they all went to Jeffrey’s to swim and I stayed home to have some alone time.
Oh thank you Teri for understanding that a night home alone is the greatest gift you can give me. So… how does a dork spend alone time? I couponed my little heart out!

Here’s my grand total.

8 Tubes Colgate Toothpaste
4 Bottles Visine
3 Huggies Wipes
2 Mitchum Deodorants
2 Boxes Easy Mac (12 total packages)
2 Index Card Packs
2 Bottles Gummie Vitamins
2 Orbit Gum
1 Prescription
1 Schick Hydro Razor
1 Schick Hydro Shave Gel
1 Ceramic Flat Iron

Total Spent 14.08
Total Saved 107.77
With $5.00 CVS bucks to spend on my next trip!

At Wal-Green’s I bought 4 boxes of Visine, 3 Huggies wipes, and 2 packs of notecards for a grand total of 1¢! Yes that’s right one cent, and I had to add the note cards so I wouldn't be negative!

And here’s the greatest thing about all this loot. We'll use all of it. It's all items that I'd regularly buy at full price but am now stocked up for weeks if not months to come. The only exception to this is the Visine.

So you may be asking what I’ll do with 4 boxes of Visine, and if I was still in “college” I’m sure I’d use them up quite quickly. But alas, I am not in “college” so I’ll sell them in the next garage sale for $1.00 a piece and make $4.00 off of them.

God Bless Wendy Perdue for teaching me how to save this much money! Our life and our finances have changed since I started seriously couponing. Thank you Wendy for showing me how to take control of our money and make wise decisions.


Our Wandering Life said...

Impressive. I had previously said I don't know if this is something I could ever do but after reading this, if we still lived in Texas I might want to learn! Nice job.

Wendy P said...

You are SO very welcome!! I am thrilled with your shopping run! (And you were worried about spending $ on toothpaste.) And you embraced Walgreens - woo-hoo!

And I totally want to have that exact Saturday with you and Leslie very soon.

The Northcutts said...

I need a refresher course. And more coupons. :)

Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

Did I miss the pictures of the craft room? I wanted to see all of Teri's hard work.