
Thursday, August 28, 2008

How Lucky Can One Girl Be!

Several weeks ago we realized that Teri would be out of town (Monday through Thursday) for my first week back to work. I began worrying about this and making arrangements for Vin. Knowing it was going to be hard enough to drop him off at day care but to start teaching and taking my own courses again filled me with anxiety. About 300 miles away – Patty was also worrying. I was not surprised by this, we are worriers, it’s what we do, so when I asked her to come stay with us she of course said yes.
Her being here lessened my anxiety tremendously. As I’ve written before, I now am a cliché; working mother guilt is REAL and I’ve not got a grip on all of it yet, but walking out in the morning, knowing that he’s with Mayme, was so comforting.
To add to all my initial anxiety, he’s had a cold from almost two weeks now. Runny nose, sore throat, cough – the whole bit, so we also made a trip to the pediatrician. Her advice… Vicks.

Now we are a Vicks family, Granddad Buzzard would slather us from armpit to armpit with the miracle cream and then tie a bandana around our neck to hold the heat in. So this week I passed the tradition down to the next generation.

Patty had intended to leave on Wednesday afternoon but her maternal instincts go the better of her and she said she couldn’t leave me alone with a sick baby so she stayed an extra day. While she and Vin played and laughed and she got to know his emerging personality. He loves her! Early in the week he seriously studied her face as if saying “ I know that you are not my Mom, but you sure look like her.”
I am truly blessed by her – she bought Vin some new toys, cleaned my house, detailed by vacuum cleaner, bought me fun new cleaning products to make my life easier and is of course always fun to be around.

(Mayme & Vin in matching outfits)

My blessings continue…
Tuesday night when I got back from school James was in the kitchen making his famous flat tacos, Jeffrey was outside adding chemicals to the swimming pool, Patty was on the floor surrounded by mobile parts, batteries and instructions. Never a dull moment around here! I am truly so grateful for everyone’s help this week and don’t know how to thank everyone.

Vin enjoying the mobile!

Jamesy making tacos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a support group! and what a lucky (and cute) kid!
<3 wendal