
Monday, January 28, 2013

Reese Update

2013 has gotten off to a pretty smooth start. Obviously we’ve done nothing interesting because there have been no posts.

This is our goal for 2013 – to be boring and settle down bit. We have no plans for any kind of house project, remodel etc. This will be the first year in 7 (at least) where we haven’t done a major house something. We plan on enjoying each other, our pool and just hanging out.

Reeser is growing so fast! He’s a hefty 30 lbs. He’s finally started feeding himself food and his bottle and he’s popped out 6 teeth so far. He likes to clap, play peek a boo and get into trouble. He’s always cruising around the house to the three places he’s not supposed to be 1. Vin’s room, 2. Playing in the toilet water 3. Playing in Henry’s food and water bowl

He’s a little trouble maker busy body and is just about to start walking.

Last week he had an incident where he fell and bit his tongue. It was horrible! Lots of screaming, blood and it was literally sliced down the middle. Ugh!!! The amazing thing was that it healed up pretty quick.

This his him on our morning walk. There was a breeze blowing his hair back and he raised his arms to feel it. Just like on a roller coaster.



Our Wandering Life said...

I was wondering where you've can post and still not be super social. Just look at me. :)

Derek and Shanna said...

I can't believe your little man weights as much as my four year old. He is too cute for words.