
Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Stuff

We’re getting settled in around here from our long trip. I just walked Vin over to Mother’s Day Out to see if they had any space for him and they did. His “girlfriend” Drew was there, so he sat down and started eating goldfish with her and I snuck out.
I feel an enormous sense of freedom - God bless Mother’s Day Out!

These pictures were taken by Bob back in May. Vin looks so goofy and I love it.
By the way… Vin went poop in the potty TWICE this morning – Yea!

I wasn't there when these were taken but I just know he was giving his flag a hug. That's his hug face.

Also, I’ve had several inquires about Vin’s swimming tube suit. Yes, I know he looks funny but this thing is awesome! It was suggested to us by two Mom’s with pools – Deana and Marion. They both swore this was the best invention ever – in fact, Marion bought Vin’s for me.
They are only available at the pool supply store and they give the kids the freedom to “swim” on their own. Vin can jump off the side, turn circles, paddle from one side of the pool to the other and be completely independent. Deana slowly lets the air out of the tube as her children improve their swim skills and then they make the transition without it very easily.
I totally recommend this for any toddler!

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