
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Introducing Vin's Girlfriend, Drew

Her last name begins with a B. so her nickname is Drew - b- doo, kinda like Scooby Doo.
They were in the same Mother's Day Out class and really took a liking to each other. The bonus is that we like her parents and so we get together for dinner and evening play dates. She's a cutie!

Swinging on her front porch
Notice that they are holding hands.
Playing with her piggy bank

She started knocking over his horses, and rather than get mad he thought it was so funny. Look how amused he is at her.

Naked sprinkler play. In this picture you can kinda tell how much taller she is. Go back up to the porch swing picture and look at the difference in their legs.

Dinner at the picnic table with Vin, Drew and Zen.

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