
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vincent's Entourage

Vincent is getting his tonsils and adenoids out on Thursday. As we were in the Dr.'s office he heard the Dr. say I should observe his sleep by getting up 7 to 8 times a night or let him sleep with us. Clearly the choice was to let him sleep with us, but then just minutes later, as the conversion progressed the Dr. said he was sure they needed to come out, no observation necessary.

But... the cat was out of the bag and Vin had heard "sleep in the Mommy bed!". He really loves to sleep with us and it makes him feel special, something I think he needs right now but... he's not the best co-sleeper. He likes to sleep upside down and sideways. Needless to say, when he's with us, no one sleeps well and I haven't even got to his entourage.
I said for him to got get two things to bring to bed and he brought 12!
1 whale, 2 money's, 3 pillows, 1 cuddleupuppet, 1 penguin, 1 batman, 1 squishy ball & 2 books. These are all the things he sleeps with every night. I usually go in a clear them off his bed once he's asleep, but he had the nerve to ask why there were all on the "mommy floor" the next morning.

 Ya'll pray for his surgery. It's a short procedure but a 2 - 3 week recovery time. Thanks!


Wendy P said...

Give him the pain meds for two weeks, even if you think he's fine. Also LOTS of popcicles. Hugs mamacitas.

Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

Good luck Vin! Sallie Rose is sending you big hugs.