
Monday, July 30, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Vincent's Entourage

Vincent is getting his tonsils and adenoids out on Thursday. As we were in the Dr.'s office he heard the Dr. say I should observe his sleep by getting up 7 to 8 times a night or let him sleep with us. Clearly the choice was to let him sleep with us, but then just minutes later, as the conversion progressed the Dr. said he was sure they needed to come out, no observation necessary.

But... the cat was out of the bag and Vin had heard "sleep in the Mommy bed!". He really loves to sleep with us and it makes him feel special, something I think he needs right now but... he's not the best co-sleeper. He likes to sleep upside down and sideways. Needless to say, when he's with us, no one sleeps well and I haven't even got to his entourage.
I said for him to got get two things to bring to bed and he brought 12!
1 whale, 2 money's, 3 pillows, 1 cuddleupuppet, 1 penguin, 1 batman, 1 squishy ball & 2 books. These are all the things he sleeps with every night. I usually go in a clear them off his bed once he's asleep, but he had the nerve to ask why there were all on the "mommy floor" the next morning.

 Ya'll pray for his surgery. It's a short procedure but a 2 - 3 week recovery time. Thanks!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Erin and I took Drew-B and Vin to Dave and Buster's yesterday. Yes, it's an odd choice but it was air conditioned, with snacks and drinks and a pure assault of noise and lights. At first Vin was scared and wanted me to carry him around. It is simply not possible for me to carry both children at the same time! He came around when he saw the big screen Fruit Ninja game and the race cars.

For us the funnest was seeing them play Skeeball. I think this video is hilarious! Vin is half dancing, half playing and totally confused on what the point of the game is. At first they thought they were winning by just getting the ball over the ramp, and then more often than not, it rolled back to them. At one point, Vin chunks the ball and it bounces right back to him. We were standing behind and I was scared to death they were going to let one fly behind and hit Reese in the head.

Friday, July 13, 2012

De Leon Update for July

Summer is starting to finally relax around here as all our trips, travels and visits are behind us. Teri was in Las Vegas for 5 days, home for 5 days then in Brazil for 9.The kids and I were in Amarillo/Spearman for 5 days, I was home for 3 and then back again for my reunion. This equaled lots of packing, unpacking, security lines, missed and delayed flights, tired kids and laundry. As wonderful as it was to see everyone, I’m glad to be home and have the luggage stored for a while. For the remainder of the summer we have nothing major going on.

Both the boys had their checkups this week and this is what we know: Reese weighs 19 lbs. 2 oz and is literally off the growth charts. He is the size of an average 9 month old at 3.5 months. It’s like holding a Thanksgiving turkey everyday. He’s smiling a lot now and will even laugh a bit. We heard it the first time when Vin was wrestling with Grumps in Spearman. Teri tries all the time to make him do it, but he’s a hard sell. It is fun to watch her being silly!

Vin is a healthy 4 year old too weighing in at about 34 lbs. He’s going to a Ear, Nose, & Throat Dr. to check his tonsils, we may need to have them removed. The dr. is surprised he’s not snoring every night because they are so big. He is such a funny guy and busts out with the strangest comments all the time. I just wonder what goes on in his head. Some things he’s said in the past couple of days are:
• Mom, when do the wishes come true? (referring to both birthday wishes and star wishes.
• And the crowd goes wild!
• Momma said I should eat my dinner, I better get to it!
• But wait, there’s more…
   He's also dreamed up a Rainbow Car that he's going to drive when he get older and his favorite toy is a Nascar hotwheels that when he's looking for it  he says "you know Mom, it's the car I love the most and the one I fix-ED"

These of course may not sound that funny to you but trust me, he’s got that look where he cocks his head, scrunches up his eyes and pouts his lips to impart how serious he is.

He’s also been taking Hip-Hop dance classes and swimming lessons. According to his swim coach he can swim the length of the pool, but we’ve never seen it. He begged us to cancel his second session of lessons and refuses to take off his intertube in the pool. We’re going along with his wishes, he seems genuinely afraid of the water and does NOT want more lessons. No big deal, he can try again next year. He’ll eventually be a swimmer.

He’s also refusing to take a nap at school and then consequently tells us that “school is so boring”. Well I’d be bored too if I laid on cot for 2 hours everyday and didn’t sleep. Oh what I’d do for a 2 hour nap time! He’s so lucky and doesn’t even know it!

As for Teri and I, we’ll celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary tomorrow. We’re going out to dinner to celebrate. I’ll post more on this later. Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Looking that the blogroll to the right it appears we're all on blogging hiatus for the summer. I just had to put up someting new but since I don't have a phone right now, I'm at a loss for all the 4th of July pics etc. so these will have to do.