We spent Thanskgiving with my dear old friend Deana and her family,husband Paul; sons Hans, Rocket and Bodhi and her daugher Liesel. We had hoped to see her older kids, Hans and Liesel but they were out of town.
We had a fantastic time lounging around the house, going to the beach and sailing. Her husband Paul races sail boats and their boat is just feet from their back door. It is so cool!
I took over 100 picutures during our visit but narrowed it down a bit here.
This is their backyard, the boat's name is Soul Shine
Paul and Teri enjoying the ride.
Teri drove the boat the entire time. Does one "drive" a boat?

At the beach looking for shells.

Two old friends.

Deana with Bodhi

This is Vin's first "big boy" bath. Rocket is showing him how it's done.

Check out the inquisitive look that Vin's giving Rocket. He was so curious about Rocket and all the games he played. He had this look on his face most of the trip and I thought it was worth a close up.

Paul works for John Deer and I have a soft spot for the company since my Grandparent's house is right next to the John Deer dealership in Spearman. John Deer now makes all kinds of clothing and kids toys, this is a kids hat. Vin would fit in perfect at the Panhandle Diner!