Today hewent to Itsby Bitsy Yoga as a chili pepper (Thanks Aunt Bertha!)
Tomorrow he'll go to daycare as Charlie Brown and then tomorrow night we have a party to attend where he'll wear costume #3. I'm keeping that one under wraps right now but will post pictures next week.

Last week Vin and I went to Amarillo for a quick visit while Teri was in New England. We got to see lots of family and old friends.
Vin with Mama Keaton who is laughing that Vin is fussy before boarding the plane to come home. I can't imagine why she thinks this is funny - probably something to do with the hell Leslie and I put her through growing up. She may have said something about paybacks?

Here we are with our Aunt Leslie at her office. Isn't she pretty!

A visit with Grandmother Taylor.
Trying to be one of the guys with Terry Butt.

Napping with Sue Ellen in the living room.

Mayme bought Vin this jumper pony when he was just a few months old. We've been waiting for him to grow into it. He didn't completly get the "jumping" concept but had fun nonetheless. Just look at that smile!

Here we are with our Aunt Leslie at her office. Isn't she pretty!

A visit with Grandmother Taylor.

Napping with Sue Ellen in the living room.

Mayme bought Vin this jumper pony when he was just a few months old. We've been waiting for him to grow into it. He didn't completly get the "jumping" concept but had fun nonetheless. Just look at that smile!